SXSW Interactive Recap

I found the SXSW Interactive sessions I attended to be, in nearly every case, thought provoking and of a fairly high quality, and I typically found myself jotting down many notes and things to followup, such as books or web sites mentioned. Over the course of the conference, three core trends or convergence points emerged, at least for me, given my intrinsic interests/biases: (1) lifestreaming/tracking/curation, (2) leveraging technologies for creative collaboration, and (3) data mining/analytics. Each of these (admitedly, rather broadly defined) areas has an associated set of panel sessions, apps, companies, books, etc, and over the next few weeks I will try to give a meaningful overview of each one.

In the mean time, I think it's useful to at least summarize the sessions I attended:

Friday, 3/9/12

Saturday, 3/10/12

Sunday, 3/11/12

Monday, 3/12/12

Tuesday, 3/13/12

Wednesday, 3/14/12

Thursday, 3/14/12